Head injuries from a car accident or other incident can quickly become serious and require immediate medical attention. Your brain is the control system for your entire body, and you want to make sure nothing’s wrong with it. Even a small bump to the head can lead to serious complications.…
Flying down the road on a motorcycle can feel exhilarating and freeing. Not only do you feel the wind in your face as you ride, but a smaller vehicle means you can better navigate tight spaces. Many car drivers will see motorcyclists bobbing and weaving through traffic on the interstate, but is lane splitting legal in Arizona?…
Few things compare to the open road, especially when you’re riding a motorcycle. However, one wrong move by you or another motorist could cause a catastrophic injury or even death. Motorcycle crashes can happen in the blink of an eye—and the repercussions could be devastating and irreversible.…
According to data from the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and Federal Highway Administration, nearly 6,000 motorcycle fatalities occurred in 2020. In that same year, over 80,000 motorcycle injuries were recorded as well. If you ride a motorcycle, know the dangers and what to do if you’re in an accident.…
Operating a motorcycle can be a fun experience, particularly when the weather is pleasant outside. However, the reality is that motorcyclists face more risks on the roadways than do those inside traditional passenger vehicles. According to the Arizona Department of Transportation, we can see that there were 2,676 total motorcycle crashes across the state during the latest reporting year.…
Motorcycles are exhilarating vehicles to operate, and they are very popular throughout the state of Arizona. However, when an accident involving a motorcycle occurs, it is not uncommon for motorcycle riders and passengers to sustain severe injuries. Anytime a motorcyclist is injured due to the careless or negligent actions of another driver, they should be able to secure compensation for their losses.…
In the state of Arizona, there is no universal motorcycle helmet law. Any motorcycle rider under the age of 18 must wear a helmet when they are operating their vehicle. However, any rider 18 years of age or older can make a choice about whether or not they want to wear a helmet.…
Riding a motorcycle carries obvious risks. You have little protection in an accident, exposing yourself to serious injuries.
The danger is greater for motorcycle passengers, a study shows. The report finds traumatic brain injuries are more likely for passengers.…
People who ride motorcycles generally know the increased danger they face. A motorcycle doesn’t offer as much protection to any riders the same way that a passenger vehicle or larger motor vehicle does. This doesn’t stop people from continuing to ride motorcycles, and most riders take proper safety precautions to protect themselves.…
A family’s life can change in the blink of an eye. Those who have lost loved ones to motor vehicle accidents know that pain all too well. When that accident is tied to impaired driving, it can seem all the more cruel, since the tragedy could have been avoided.…