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High-Speed Car Crash: Everything You Need To Know

High-Speed Car Crash: Everything You Need To Know

Shapiro Law Team December 30, 2024 Car Accidents,Personal injury

Arizona is considered one of the top 10 worst states to drive in due to the rate of car accidents. As you drive down Interstate 60, a collision at high speed can result in severe injuries and even death. Understanding the risks helps you prepare for any situation and know when to call a Phoenix car accident lawyer.

Shapiro Law Team is here to help! We’ll provide you with insight into what causes high-speed accidents and what you can do to keep yourself safe if you find yourself in one.

What is Considered a High-Speed Crash?

A high-speed car crash is classified as any collision that happens when traveling over 30 miles per hour. Factors that classify a high-speed collision include the speed limit and reckless driving behaviors.

At 30mph, the force of the collision starts to cause more serious injuries, and the injuries only get worse from there. The faster your car is traveling, the greater the force of impact. More force means more severe injuries, and the risk of fatalities increases as your speed increases.

Common Causes of High-Speed Car Crashes

  • Distracted Driving: Driving while texting, changing the music, or eating a snack can decrease your reaction time and cause a car accident.
  • Reckless Driving: Reckless driving behaviors include swerving, speeding, cutting someone off, road rage, and other habits that put yourself and other drivers at risk.
  • Driving While Intoxicated: Driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances leads to poor cognitive function and an increased risk of a collision.
  • Poor Weather Conditions: Fog, heavy rain, strong winds, and other weather patterns can lead to a high-speed collision.
  • Vehicle Malfunction: Car malfunctions that lead to car wrecks include brake failure, a stuck accelerator, broken headlights, and a compromised steering wheel. Routine car maintenance ensures your vehicle is running smoothly and helps prevent dangerous failures.

Types of Injuries in High-Speed Car Crashes

High-speed car crashes can lead to serious and, in some cases, fatal injuries due to the force of impact. Going from high speeds to a sudden stop creates a significant amount of force on the human body. Injuries you could sustain from these types of accidents include:

  • Head Trauma: Any force to the head can damage the brain and lead to traumatic injuries. This includes concussions, brain injuries, and serious complications like brain bleeds.
  • Whiplash: When your body lurches forward during a high-speed accident, the force can result in strained muscles or tendons in your neck and shoulders. This condition is known as whiplash, and it can leave you stiff for weeks after the accident.
  • Spinal Injuries: From bruising to a broken vertebra, spinal injuries are no joke. They can cause lifelong complications such as chronic pain.
  • Internal Bleeding: Not all damage is visible to the naked eye. The force of the accident can cause internal bleeding from your organs. It may not be obvious at first, but it can quickly become fatal if not treated.
  • Organ Damage: Internal damage to your organs can impact organ function and lead to lifelong symptoms.
  • Broken Bones: Common broken bones from a high-speed car accident are the arms, legs, ankles, wrists, ribs, and hips.
  • Severe Lacerations: The force of the impact can shatter glass and bend metal, creating jagged edges that create deep gashes and lacerations. If the cut is deep enough, it can damage the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and internal organs.

Severe injuries from a traumatic event can cause long-term complications that impact your quality of life. Spinal injuries can lead to partial or complete paralysis, and severe lacerations could lead to amputations. You could also develop conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after living through the accident. These complications result in long-term disability, which affects your ability to work and live your life.

phoenix personal injury lawyer

How High-Speed Crashes Impact Your Vehicle

The high levels of force caused by a high-speed accident not only cause personal injuries but also damage to your vehicle. The damage can range in severity depending on the speed of the accident. The faster the car was traveling, the worse the damage to the vehicle. Your car could have a broken and dented metal frame, shattered windows, popped tires, a crushed frame, and a damaged engine. That’s a lot of damage, and the repairs will cost you a pretty penny if the car isn’t totaled.

What Should You Do After A High-Speed Car Crash?

A high-speed car accident can result in serious damage to your car and severe personal injuries. In this moment, it’s important to remain calm. Panicking will only make the situation worse, and you need a clear head to do what you need to do. Here are some basic steps you can follow to keep yourself and others safe after a car accident:

  • Contact Local Authorities: First things first, call 911. High-speed car accidents can be life-threatening, so you need to act fast and get the authorities involved. 911 will send the police and paramedics to your location, so hang tight and wait for them to arrive.
  • Seek Medical Attention: When the paramedics arrive, get checked out as soon as you can. Your health and safety come first before anything else, so make sure you get the all-clear from them before doing anything else. If they advise you to go to the hospital, listen to them.
  • Gather Evidence: Once you’re medically cleared, collect as much evidence as you can about the accident. This includes taking photos, filming videos, and getting eyewitness testimonies. All of this will be used to build your personal injury case.
  • File a Police Report: In addition to gathering evidence, speak with the police and file a formal report. Don’t try to point fingers or assign blame, just stick to the facts of what happened and get a written account of the incident.
  • Contact a Phoenix Personal Injury Law Firm: Once everything is said and done, get in touch with a local personal injury attorney who specializes in car crash claims. They will help you build your claim and negotiate with insurance for financial compensation.

Schedule Your Free Consultation with Phoenix Car Accident Lawyers

When you’re in a high-speed car accident, you want a Phoenix car accident lawyer who’s on your side and will treat your case with the dignity and respect it deserves. Shapiro Law Team is ready to help! Our team of attorneys will work with you every step of the way to fight for your rights and the compensation you deserve. And the best part, you don’t pay us a thing unless we win your case! Get in touch with us today to schedule your free consultation and go over your legal options.


What happens to the body in a high-speed car crash?
A car crash at high speeds puts significant stress on the body. A collision causes the vehicle to shift rapidly from high speed to a sudden stop, and all that force gets put on the car and your body. While your seatbelt should hold you in place, the force of deceleration can still cause injuries where the seatbelt rests on your body. This can lead to broken bones and internal injuries, in addition to cuts and lacerations.

What are the chances of surviving a high-speed car crash?
The odds of surviving a high-speed car accident depend on the speed at which you are traveling. The faster you drive, the more fatal the accident becomes. On average, crashes are almost guaranteed to be fatal once your speed hits 70 miles an hour.

What speed is considered a high-speed crash?
In general, any car accident that involves speeds over 30 miles per hour is considered a high-speed crash. While that may sound slow, 30mph is when the force of impact starts to cause serious injuries. As speeds increase, the injuries get worse and the risk of fatality goes up.

Why should I get a medical exam after a high-speed impact crash?
After any car accident, you need to get checked out by a medical professional as soon as possible. Even if you don’t see any visible injuries, the force of the collision could cause internal injuries. These hidden injuries can have serious complications if not treated quickly. For your safety and peace of mind, it’s best practice to seek medical attention as soon as possible after a high-speed car crash.

Not only is a medical exam important for your health, but you need the records if you file a personal injury claim after the accident. You will need proof of your injuries and that the accident caused them, and medical records are the evidence you need.

Who is most at risk?
Statistically, men are at a greater risk of getting into high-speed accidents than women. This could be due to a series of factors, such as driving at faster speeds and engaging in more reckless driving behaviors. People who live in areas with a dense population are also more at risk, as more cars on the road means more risk of getting into an accident.

When it comes to sustaining injuries in a high-speed accident, vulnerable populations such as small children and the elderly are at a greater risk.

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