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Dog Bite Injury Settlements: Things to Know About

Dog Bite Injury Settlements: Things to Know About

Shapiro Law Team May 17, 2022 dog bite injury,Personal injury

Overview About Dog Bite Injuries

Dogs are more than just pets. They’re companions that provide comfort and protection. Unfortunately, they’re also the cause of millions of personal injuries each year. According to the CDC, over 4.5 million people in the US are bitten or attacked by dogs every year. Crazy, right? Out of that number, just over 800,000 need substantial medical attention.

Despite the dog’s actions, the owner is ultimately responsible for the behavior and consequences of the canine. Here’s everything you need to know about dog bite injury settlements.

What Are the Most Common Dog Bite Injuries?

Dog bites and attacks are responsible for serious and sometimes fatal injuries. Many dog bites result in significant injuries.

Listed below are the most common ailments victims of dogs bites have:

  • Punctured skin
  • Eye injuries
  • Disfigurement
  • Dismemberment
  • Strains and sprains
  • Trauma / emotional effects
  • Nerve damage
  • Face injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Tissue damage
  • Concussions and traumatic brain injuries

What Are the Chances of a Dog Bite Injury Being Severe?

As much as we’d like to say the chances of your dog bite injury are low, it ultimately depends on the dog’s breed and size. The size and breed will determine the most damage a dog can inflict with a bite. When assessing the severity of your injury, a qualified attorney will gauge the injury using the nationwide Dog Bite Scale.

Though certain dog breeds are labeled as dangerous, any dog (no matter how well-trained) is capable of causing a serious injury. If ever injured by a dog, get in touch with a reputable attorney to explore your options for compensation.

What Types of Compensation Are Available?

There are a number of ways you can receive compensation for a dog bite injury. The average settlement of a dog-related injury is upward of $50,000. However, in order to secure the right amount of compensation, you need proper documentation. With the right evidence, you can prove the dog owner’s negligence and attain an appropriate compensation amount.

Personal injury laws entitle the following compensation for victims of canine attacks:

  • Emergency room medical attention
  • Loved ones’ loss of consortium
  • Property damage
  • Past medical treatment
  • Emotional trauma
  • Future medical/recovery expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering

What Laws Govern Dog Bite Injury Settlements?

Two distinct laws will impact the success of your dog bite settlement. There are 15 states with the “strict liability,” and the remaining states (35) abide by the “one bite rule.”

  • Strict liability: The owner is responsible for any bite by the dog, even if the victim is trespassing on the dog owner’s property.
  • One bite rule: The dog owner isn’t liable for the first time a dog bites another individual.

What Are the Legal Responsibilities of a Dangerous-Dog Owner?

Dog bites and dog attacks are traumatic experiences that should be prevented at all costs. In some cases, dog attacks result in serious lacerations, permanent damage, or even death. Before discussing the legal responsibilities, let’s first talk about what makes a dog dangerous.

A dog is considered dangerous if one or more of the following applies:

  • Trained or used for dog fighting
  • Chased a person aggressively
  • Seriously injured a person
  • Bitten or attacked someone without being provoked
  • Attacked a domestic animal
  • Killed another pet without being provoked

By the above list, you can determine whether your dog is dangerous.

If your canine is considered dangerous, you have a responsibility to do one or more of the following:

  • Keep the dog leashed and muzzled when on walks
  • Post prominent “Beware of Dog” or “Dangerous Dog” signs
  • Keep the dog in a locked enclosure (at the appropriate height and strength)
  • Purchase liability insurance to cover potential dog-caused damages
  • Sterilize the dog
  • Microchip the dog

How Do State Dog Bite Laws Influence the Value of a Case?

We can’t stress the importance of knowing the dog laws for your state (and sometimes county). Ultimately, state or county compliance will determine the dog bite statutes and personal injury liabilities.

Call Shapiro, Get the Legal Help You Need

If you’ve been hurt by a dog, contact a litigator. It may not be too late. If within the statute of limitations, you can secure the compensation you deserve. If proven to be negligent, the at-fault dog owner may be financially responsible for the actions of their canine. Don’t wait another moment. Speak with the David Shapiro at Shapiro Law Team.

We’ll build a compelling case, negotiate on your behalf, and obtain a settlement so you and your family can begin to heal and move past this unfortunate incident. If you’re seeking professional counsel, request a free consultation or stop by our Scottsdale office today.

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