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Who’s at Fault in a Car Accident Involving Lane Changes?

Who’s at Fault in a Car Accident Involving Lane Changes?

Shapiro Law Team October 23, 2020 Car Accidents

Car accidents can happen in the blink of an eye—especially when drivers change lanes. Determining fault in such accidents can be complicated. In this article, we will discuss who may be at fault in a lane-change accident, cover the common causes, explore right-of-way rules, and provide information regarding lane-change laws in Arizona.

If you were involved in a lane-change accident, you need to consult an experienced lawyer who can protect your rights. At Shapiro Law Team, we specialize in all types of personal injury cases.

Lane Change Accident Statistics in Arizona

According to recent studies, lane-change accidents account for nearly 17% of car accidents in Arizona. These accidents often lead to injuries and, in severe cases, fatalities. Being aware of the risks can encourage drivers to be more careful when changing lanes.

5 Common Causes of Lane-Change Accidents

Lane-change accidents can happen due to various factors, including:

  1. Failure To Check Blind Spots
    Failing to check blind spots is one of the most common causes of lane-change accidents. This negligence can result in sideswipes and major collisions with neighboring vehicles.
  2. Improper Signaling
    Ignoring turn signals is another common cause of lane-change accidents. Using the wrong turn signal can also confuse drivers and cause accidents.
  3. Speeding
    Excessive speed while changing lanes reduces reaction time, making it difficult to avoid accidents. Road rage and quick lane changes are common culprits of this as well.
  4. Distracted Driving
    Actions like texting, talking on the phone, or adjusting the radio while behind the wheel, can contribute to lane-change collisions.
  5. Road Rage
    Fast lane changes, tailgating, and blatant disregard for other drivers’ right of way can increase the chances of accidents occurring.


What Injuries Are Common in Lane-Changing Accidents?

Sideswipes are extremely common in lane-change accidents. Depending on the severity of the accident, various injuries can occur. Some common injuries include:

  • Whiplash
  • Concussions
  • Broken bones or fractures
  • Cuts, bruises, and internal damage

Who’s At Fault in a Lane-Change Accident?

To determine fault, the following factors are considered:

  • Turn Signal Usage
    Did the driver use their turn signal properly to alert other drivers of merging?
  • Mirror & Blind Spot Checks
    Did the driver check their mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes?
  • Speeding
    Was the driver changing lanes at the appropriate speed?
  • Right-of-Way Violations
    Did either driver violate right-of-way rules while changing lanes?

Who Has the Right-of-Way When Changing Lanes?

As a general rule, drivers must yield to vehicles already in the lane they’re merging into. This includes two or more lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.

Who’s at Fault if Someone Merges Into You?

If another driver merges into your lane and causes an accident, they may be held accountable. It’s their responsibility to ensure it’s safe to change lanes and yield to existing traffic. That being said, proving fault requires evidence of the other driver’s negligence. That’s where we come in.

When Is an Accident the Merging Driver’s Fault?

The merging driver may be at fault if:

  • They did not use their turn signal
  • They merged without checking for clearance
  • They were speeding or driving aggressively
  • They were merging too slowly
  • They didn’t check their blind spots

When Does the Non-Merging Driver Share Some of the Fault?

The non-merging driver may be at fault if:

  • They were speeding or driving recklessly
  • They were tailgating

Who’s at Fault When Both Cars Are Switching Lanes?

This is a bit more challenging. If both cars switch lanes and cause an accident, a thorough investigation is needed to establish liability. Factors such as speed, signaling, and right-of-way violations will be evaluated to determine the fault of each driver.

Anxious Driver? 9 Tips To Help You Stay Calm Behind The Wheel

Lane Change Laws in Arizona

Arizona has specific lane change laws. If you’re changing lanes or merging, you must abide by the following rules:

  • Check the traffic behind you, as well as on all sides.
  • Don’t rely entirely on your side or rearview mirrors. Turn your head to check the lane before merging.
  • Check your blind spot, as a car could be in your way without you knowing.
  • Give yourself plenty of room, and don’t narrowly change lanes.

How to Avoid Lane Change Accidents

To reduce the risk of lane-change accidents, you can follow these tips:

  • Use your turn signals to show drivers you plan to merge.
  • Check your mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes.
  • Avoid distracted driving, and keep your eyes on the road.
  • Adhere to the posted speed limits, and adjust speed when changing lanes.
  • Yield to vehicles already in the lane you plan to merge into.

Contact an Experienced Lawyer at Shapiro Law Team

Determining the fault of a lane-change accident can be tough. But with us, it doesn’t have to be. If you or a loved one has been involved in a lane-change accident, seeking legal help should be at the top of your to-do list.

At Shapiro Law Team, our personal injury lawyers are dedicated to protecting your rights. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation, and let us help you get the compensation you rightly deserve.

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