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Are you a victim of the increase in pedestrian accidents?

Are you a victim of the increase in pedestrian accidents?

Shapiro Law Team April 1, 2019 Firm News

As a college student, you spend a lot of time walking to class, the library, coffee shops and many more places. Maybe you do not have a car, or it is simply easier and healthier for you to travel by foot on campus and the surrounding area. While traveling by foot might be better for your health, it is not necessarily better for your safety. According to experts, pedestrian accidents are at a new 30-year high.

Drivers in Arizona seem to be more distracted than ever, which means they might not see you as you cross the road. Pedestrian accidents are severe and can require months of treatment and expensive medical bills. While virtually any pedestrian in any state in America could end up in an accident, Arizona pedestrians face a higher-than-average risk.

Arizona is dangerous for pedestrians

In 2018, five states accounted for around half of all of the pedestrian fatalities in the United States. Arizona is one of those five. While an increasing population could explain some of those fatalities, it is only one minor factor in an extremely complicated and dangerous problem. The transportation system itself is largely to blame.

A chair member for a Pedestrian Safety Review Board in one of the other five states believes that decades of infrastructure development has made the problem worse. Most states’ transportation systems are designed to accommodate motor vehicles, ignoring pedestrians who do not or cannot driver. While some urban areas might have more crosswalks than less densely populated areas, it is not uncommon for some crosswalks to be located as far as two miles apart.

Are pedestrians to blame?

The Governors Highway Safety Association released a report detailing some of the factors that contributed to the 30 percent increase in pedestrian deaths over the last decade. These include things like more SUVs on the road and more drivers using smartphones behind the wheel.

In 2013, consumers started buying more SUVs and light trucks than smaller motor vehicles. While these types of vehicles are not necessarily more likely to be involved in pedestrian accidents, they are much more likely to cause fatal injuries. Drivers are also using cell data while driving a whopping 4,000 percent more than in 2008. This means there are a lot of drivers not watching the road.

Dealing with the aftermath of a pedestrian accident

Surviving a pedestrian accident is a painful and difficult process. Medical treatment can be extensive, and you probably had to miss class while you were recovery. Maybe you have not even been able to return yet. No matter your situation, you need help.

A personal injury suit is often an effective course of action for recovering compensation from a distracted driver. However, the idea of filing a lawsuit is understandably overwhelming to most people. What some people do not realize is that they do not have to go through this process alone. In most cases, an attorney who has experience handling pedestrian accidents can provide helpful guidance throughout the process.

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