Taking your attention away from the road and your surroundings can be fatal. Thousands of pedestrians are victims of deadly distracted driving cases every year. Whether it’s responding to a text, drivers talking on the phone, or applying makeup—it can always wait.…
If you think that you are seeing more and more drivers using smartphones while behind the wheel, you would be right. An increase in driver phone use is causing an alarming increase in traffic fatalities at red lights. When drivers are looking at their phones instead of the road, they are more likely to run red lights and cause serious collisions.…
More than once, you may have experienced that terrifying moment when another vehicle crossed the center line because the driver was looking down at a cell phone. If the driver looked up just in time to avoid an accident, your heart may have raced, but you got home safely.…
Arizona readers are aware that distracted driving in all forms in a serious problem in the state and everywhere else in the country. From cell phones to in-car infotainment systems, drivers have no shortage of things that can take their attention off the road.…